How do I plan and schedule my social and email campaigns on PosterMyWall?

Note: The Content Planner is available on the Premium and Premium Plus subscription plan

Planning and scheduling content can all be done from one place within your My Stuff. 

Schedule your social media posts and emails campaigns via the Content Planner’s interactive calendar. 

Here’s how you can use the Content Planner to schedule content:

  1. Open your My Stuff.
  2. Click ‘Content Planner’. It can be found on the left menu. 
  3. Click the plus sign button on the date on the calendar that you want to plan content for.
  4. Schedule a social media post, an email campaign or add an event from the dropdown menu. 

Social media posts

After you select the social media post option from the Content Planner, follow these steps: 

  1. Pick a design from your ‘My Stuff’ or ‘Team’.
  2. Add a caption to your post. 
  3. Select the account(s) to post on. 
  4. Click the blue ‘Schedule’ button. 

Learn more about publishing and scheduling social media content here

Email campaigns

After you select the email campaign option from the Content Planner, follow these steps: 

  1. Pick a template to customize from the gallery or pick an email from the ‘My Emails’ tab.
  2. Confirm your selection by clicking the ‘Select’ button. You will be taken to the email editor. 
  3. Here you may customize your email if needed. Once done, click the yellow ‘Schedule’ button on the top right of the editor. 
  4. Select your time and date for scheduling your email and click ‘Schedule’ to confirm. 
  5. On the next page, you will need to enter a campaign name, Subject line and Preview text. Once done, click the ‘Next’ button. 
  6. Pick your mailing list to target this email campaign. Check out this guide on creating your mailing list. Once done, click the ‘Next’ button. 
  7. You can now choose to preview your campaign or send a test email. We highly recommend doing both before scheduling your email campaign so any issues with the email campaign are ironed out before publishing. 
  8. Click the ‘Schedule’ button to schedule your email campaign. 

Scheduled posts and emails will appear as small thumbnails on your content calendar as shown below. These thumbnails will also include social media and email icons based on the kind of content you’ve scheduled. 


Learn more about creating and publishing your email campaigns via these articles:

  1. How to design an email with the PosterMyWall Email Maker
  2. How do I create an email campaign?


The content calendar also displays upcoming events so you can plan for them in advance. 


The dates show the actual day of the event, so you want to prepare for a given day at least a few weeks in advance. For example, you should be preparing for Back to School content from early to mid-August, so that you're ready when the school year starts in late August to early September. 

Click on a theme page to find customizable design and email templates you can customize and use for your marketing. 


You can also add your custom events to the Content Planner. These can be anything from company milestones to marketing campaigns your team is working on. To add your event: 

  1. Click 'Add new' on the top right of the Content Planner. 
  2. Select 'Event'. 
  3. Specify an event date, add an event title and description. Click the blue save button to confirm. 

You can also add events to a specific date within a calendar. Just hover your mouse over a date, click the plus icon, then select event. Continue as mentioned above. 

More on the Content Planner

The Content Planner is designed to be straightforward to use from your laptop, tablet or mobile.

You can also schedule your content directly via the PosterMyWall editor or the My Stuff page. All scheduled content will appear on the Content Planner for you to see and review.

Additionally, you can use the filter in the top right of the Content Planner page to view only social media posts or only email campaigns in the Content Planner. 

The Content Planner is a great tool for keeping track of previously published and upcoming scheduled content all from one place. Head over to My Stuff to try it out now. 

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