How do I add audio to my design?

To add audio to your design, open a design in the PosterMyWall editor (it can be a video or an image file).

In the editor, click on the ‘My Uploads’ option on the left side panel to upload your own audio file.


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Then click on the 'Upload media' button and select the audio clip you want to add to your design. The audio clips added will be saved in the 'Uploaded' section under the 'My Audio' tab and can be accessed anytime you want to add your own clips. You can also arrange your audio clips into different categories by creating collections.

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If you do not want to add your own clips, you can use the second option to add stock audio. Stock audio can greatly improve a mute video by adding substance to it, especially if it has a good beat that fits the message. You’ll find a great variety of stock audio files available for use in your design for almost every occasion.

Click on ‘Add stock media', and then 'View all' next to Audio. Now enter the theme/purpose/message of your design in the search box to find relevant audio. For example, if you type 'Black Friday', you can find upbeat music clips:

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You can also filter the results based on Genre, Instrument, Mood, and Effects to find the most suitable audio clips for your design.

Once you’ve added a clip, it can be viewed with the music symbol button found near the design canvas. This button is only present if an audio clip has been added to the design.


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Clicking the button will allow you to see your audio file, under the ‘Audio’ tab. Here you can:

  • Add more audio clips by clicking the plus button.

  • Replace audio clips by clicking the two arrows icon.

  • Trim audio clips by clicking the scissors icon.

  • Remove audio clips by clicking the trash can icon.

Multiple audio clips can be played one by one, but not at the same time. The order of audio clips can be set by dragging and dropping, where the clips at the top will be played first. 

You can test video clips with the ‘play’ and ‘stop’ buttons. Once you’re satisfied with the playlist, save and download your design.

Adding audio in the mobile editor

To add audio to your designs in the mobile editor, click on the blue 'Add' button on the left of the bottom panel, and then click on 'My Uploads'. 


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Similar to the web editor, you can either upload your own audio to a design or add a stock audio clip. Once the audio is added to your design, a music symbol button will appear below your design. Clicking on this will reveal the options to trim, replace, or delete the audio.

You can repeat the same steps to add more audio clips to your design. Then you can decide the order of the audio clips by long-pressing on audio clips and moving them before or after each other.


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Adding and enhancing multiple audio tracks

If you add more than one audio track to your designs, you'll be able to access the Timeline editor feature. This feature can be accessed in PosterMyWall's editor across all devices. You can use this to easily add, trim (by dragging audio handles), and stack your audio tracks. 

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If you wish to alter the length the duration of your audio tracks, drag the handles on either side of the audio clip in the Timeline editor. Alternatively, click on 'Trim' on the right-side panel and then adjust the length of your audio clip by dragging the audio handles on either side or increasing/decreasing the start and end time values.

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Plus, using the right-side panel, you can duplicate, replace, adjust the volume or speed of, or apply fade-in and fade-out effects to your audio tracks. 

Download format

Adding an audio clip in an image will change the file type from image to video. You will be required to get the video download (for 14.95 USD) for the final product. Adding audio clips in a video will make no difference to the price of the final product.

In the case of a video with preset audio, you will need to mute it first, and then add audio to it. Adding audio to a video with preset audio will cause both to be played at the same time.



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