How do I compare the performance of two mailing lists?

If you are wondering how one of your audiences or mailing lists has performed compared to another, you can compare their respective metrics by using the Performance tab in ‘My emails’.

This method allows you to take a closer look at your different mailing lists, to see how they are performing in relation to one another. If you’re looking for ways to compare the performance of two campaigns instead, read this article.

It is important to compare mailing lists to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong so you know what to avoid doing.

To be able to access this feature, you need to have at least two mailing lists to compare. You can only compare two mailing lists at a time.

Here’s how to go about the process:

  • In the My Stuff sidebar, click 'My emails’. 
  • Select the ‘Performance’ tab.
  • In the top left corner of the tab, select ‘Mailing list’ from the first drop-down menu, and one of the two mailing lists you want to compare from the second drop-down menu.

This will show the two mailing lists side-by-side, along with an indication as to which mailing list is performing better.

As with Campaign metrics, mailing list metrics also use percentages to compare and conclude which mailing list is doing better relative to the other.

In the screenshot, the Newsletter list is performing better than Sales list. This is because although the Open rate for the Newsletter list is much higher but it's number of invalid emails is lower than the Sales list.  is performing better because it has a high click rate. The blue, green, and red colored circles beside each metric serve as visual guides to inform you which metrics are working well for your mailing list, and what you need to improve.

You can also hover your mouse on the round circles marked ‘i’ for more information on what each mailing list metric means.

To find more information on the significance of comparing your mailing lists, check out this article.


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