How do I use layers in my designs?

In order to add some depth to your design, you can make use of layers within the editor. Layers are good for making your design easy to customize and improving its look. 

The first layer of the design is the top layer and it contains the most immediate information, such as title text, graphics, and venue information. The last layer is the bottom layer, and it contains background information such as the design background.

Using a variety of layers in your designs adds complexity to the design, and helps the reader focus better on the information you want to provide.

Here are four ways in which you can arrange layers.

  • “Send Backward”: Select an element on your design by clicking on it, and right-click it to bring up the drop-down selection menu. Click “Send Backward” to send the selected element one layer backward in the design. Alternatively, use the “Backward” button under the Position tab in the right contextual menu. 

‘Send backward’ sends a visible element back one layer behind what it was previously. If your design has plenty of elements, you can partially hide some elements by moving them behind other items by using this option. 


  • “Bring Forward”: Select an element on your design by clicking on it, and right-click it to bring up the drop-down menu. Click “Bring forward” to bring the selected element one layer forward in the design. Alternatively, use the “Forward” button under the Position tab in the right contextual menu.

Use this option to move your selected element one layer ahead of what it was previously. If you have trouble with selecting your item, you may be required to move other elements around first to select it.


  • “Send to Bottom”: Select an element on your design by clicking on it, and right-click it to bring up the drop down menu. Click “Send to Bottom” to send the selected element to the very back, or the last layer, of the design. Alternatively, use the “To Bottom” button under the Position tab in the right contextual menu.

Sending a visible element to the bottom means it’s now at the very back, behind every other element in the design. You may need to move other elements out of the way if you want to select the bottom-most element.


  • “Bring to Top”: Select an element on your design by clicking on it, and right-click it to bring up the drop-down menu. Click “Bring to Top” to bring the selected element to the very top, or the very first layer, of the design. Alternatively, use the “To Top” button under the Position tab in the right contextual menu.

Bringing an element to the top might require you to move other elements around first to select it before you can bring it to the top if your design is crowded. Now it will be at the top-most layer, in front of all the other elements, and you can select it without moving anything else.


Check out this short video for a live demonstration of how to play around with layers in your design.

Use layers in your designs via mobile

To add layers to your designs via mobile, follow these steps:

  • Tap on the tiny door icon on the selection bar at the bottom of the page and you will see all the editing options.

layer mobile 1.jpg

  • Tap on ‘Position’ in the top right corner and you will see the options to add layers to your design. Choose bottom, backward, forward or top to position your item layers
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