Knowledge base
About PosterMyWall
Downloading Images
Downloading Videos
- Can I download my video file as an image?
- How do I play my video on a non-Smart TV.
- Can a video be downloaded for free?
- What download options for videos does PosterMyWall offer?
- The video file is too large to share via email. How can I reduce the size?
- How can I download my video to my iPhone or iPad?
- See all 8 articles
Discounts and Concessions
Download Issues
Printing at Home
Video Issues
Uploading on Social Media
- How to ensure high quality when posting content on social media?
- Why is my video download blurry on Facebook?
- What are recommended design sizes for videos on social media?
- Why is my Facebook cover video larger then the recommended size?
- Why is my Facebook cover video not playing?
- Why isn't my Facebook ad working?
Font and Language Related Issues
The Editor
Contact and Feedback
Account Changes
Classroom Account
Emails from PosterMyWall
- How to prevent emails from going to spam?
- How do I unsubscribe from email updates?
- Not receiving our emails? Here’s what you need to do.
- AOL Mail- How to add PosterMyWall to your contacts list?
- ProtonMail - How to add PosterMyWall to your contacts list?
- Zoho Mail - How to add PosterMyWall to your contacts list?
- See all 9 articles
Design an Email Campaign
Publish an Email Campaign
Measure Email Campaign Performance
- Can I test my email for mobile devices?
- How do I interpret performance metrics data?
- What is the difference between Campaign and Audience metrics?
- How do I track my email performance?
- How do I compare the performance of two email campaigns?
- How do I compare the performance of two audiences?
- See all 8 articles
Signup forms
Publishing Content
- What's the difference between the "Share design" and "Publish to Social Media" options?
- I've published my video to Facebook. Where is it?
- Why does my video quality look poor when published on Twitter?
- How do I post on social media?
- If I schedule a post, and make changes, what happens?
- How do I resolve publishing issues?
- See all 12 articles